Tag Archives: antidepressants medicine online

Who Really Invented Baseball?

Who Really Invented Baseball You may have heard the charming tale of how war hero Abner Doubleday invented baseball in Cooperstown, New York. Unfortunately, that’s a bit of a myth. The true story of who invented baseball is a little more convoluted and a tad less romantic. Who Really Invented Baseball Baseball likely had its origins in the […]

7 of History’s Most Notorious Serial Killers 

Strictly speaking, a serial killer is someone who murders at least two people in separate events that occur at different times. While “serial murder” is not formalized by any legal code, the crimes of serial killers have often been seized on by the media and the public consciousness—especially in cases where there are many victims or the […]

7 Drugs that Changed the World


7 Drugs that Changed the World People have swallowed elixirs, inhaled vapors, and applied ointments in the name of healing for millennia. But only a small number of substances can be said to have fundamentally revolutionized medicine. Seven of those drugs are listed here, along with some facts that may surprise you. Paulescu’s Pancrein?insulin, discovery […]



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